A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

This game was made as a 3 Hour challenge. Please comment your thoughts after playing it.

Match candies to win!


Bunch Of Candies (Android) 3 MB
Bunch Of Candies (Windows - Auto Installer) 38 MB
Bunch Of Candies (Windows - Manual) 50 MB
Bunch Of Candies (Mac) 48 MB
Bunch Of Candies (Linux) 51 MB

Install instructions

Download the file for your Operating system. 

  1. For Windows: You can either install the auto installer where you simply click on the .exe file to run the game or you can download the game as a manual folder file to run the app from there. 
  2. In Mac OS extract the game folder and find the application to run it.
  3. In Linux click on the File to run it.
  4. For android download the apk and install it on your device.

Enjoy the game and give your feedback at our instagram - @xhktitanx


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